Flash monotron 200 user manual
Flash monotron 200 user manual

flash monotron 200 user manual

Regardless the lower purchase costs, the ECOSUN panels are more suitable for a paper processing plant with strict fire-prevention regulations because their surface temperature is lower than that of gas radiators. The change from gas to electric radiant panels has also brought other advantages. Moreover this system does not induce air circulation, which is a considerable advantage regarding higher dustiness in the paper processing production. Radiant heating is much more efficient and economical in buildings with a high headroom than that of conventional systems. High temperature radiant panels ECOSUN S 36 were installed in the new building.

flash monotron 200 user manual

However, gas as a fuel was abandoned in the end because there was a sufficient reserve in the existing electricity connection and it was decided to heat the building by means of electricity. The heating was originally planned using gas – the former offices located in the existing rooms are heated through the hot water system with a gas boiler and therefore the heating through gas radiators was considered for the new factory building. By the end of February 2007 the second half of the building was finished, the office facilities were renewed and the production was restored to the full extent. The construction was divided in two phases – during November 2006 a half of the building was built (closed by a temporary screen), the technological equipment was installed and the production was restored to the necessary extent. The new building was added to the existing structures of an original plastic moulding plant. Since the in-process orders made the production impossible to be interrupted for more than the shortest necessary time, a new factory building was built during an unbelievable period of one month, the technological equipment was transferred and the production was restored. In the second half of 2006 the company had to transfer its production into new spaces.

flash monotron 200 user manual

After the installation of modern technological equipment in 1996 the paper processing became the principal activity of the firm.At present, paper processing and the related services – paper product production, hand-bookbinding, finishing and binding works - form the dominant part of the business programme. In 1994 it began to develop itself also in the field of paper processing. was founded in 1992 as a paper wholesaler.

Flash monotron 200 user manual